Lots of New Stuff From Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic

We have numerous stories, some big, some small, that show there is wind at our backs as we fight to restore our country.  

1- President Trump is leading a class action suit against Facebook, Twitter and Google and their CEOs.  For years now we have watched Congressional Committees haul Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Pichai up to The Hill and then lay into them on how they do business. But Congress has yet to do more than make huffy idle threats. In marches Trump, fighting for our FREE SPEECH against the biggest monopolies on earth. Like Trump or not, he is the only politician stepping up and taking on the fight to protect our 1st Amendment rights. As Trump said at the press conference, “If they can do this to me, they can do it to you.”  Trump is the leader of one of two political parties in a two party political system. Big Tech has removed him from the conversation. As such, we only get ONE point of view and the left is never challenged. The Fake News and everyone else is ignoring, mocking and playing this lawsuit down but it is a big deal.  * If you missed it, watch the whole press conference. It is very informative.https://rumble.com/vjjj4b-trump-sues-big-tech.html?mref=23gga&mrefc=3 * Also, this video of Alan Dershowitz and Gregg Jarrett is a good explanation of the law suit.https://rumble.com/vjl8d1-alan-dershowitz-trumps-case-pits-free-speech-against-the-first-amendment.html?mref=23gga&mc=8uxj1 * 192,000 Americans Watch President Trump’s Announcement to Sue Twitter, Facebook, Google on RSBN — Joe Biden Lucky to Get 1,000https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/192000-americans-watch-president-trumps-announcement-sue-twitter-facebook-google-rsbn/  ###  

2- Twitter has competition. Finally, it looks like we may have a spot on the internet where you can not get disappeared or cancelled.  GETTR (Get Together) is a direct competitor to Twitter worldwide.  Check it out and if you like it, open an account. All of your property from your Twitter account can be transferred. – https://gettr.com ###  

3- The Audits are on the move. It is becomes harder to ignore the obvious every day. BREAKING: PA Asks For Forensic Election Audit – Creative Destruction Media—July 7, 2021
Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano has just formally asked for a forensic audit in Pennsylvania for the 2020 U.S. general election due to obvious evidence of massive election fraud. ###  

4- This is a wonderful and hopeful presentation by Dr Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. She is a brave warrior! This presentation is from April 2021 but it is still packed with worthwhile information.  https://rumble.com/vfhko9-dr.-gold-awaken.html?mref=23gga&mrefc=2 For more information on America’s Frontline Doctors go here:  https://www.americasfrontlinedocs.com ###  

5- One of the last real reporters in this country, John Solomon, outlines the many ways that Democrats are losing on Election Integrity in court.

Democrats dug themselves an election integrity hole, courts may bury them in it From Supreme Court justices to district judges, Biden’s early Jim Crow narrative getting cold shoulder in early rulings. – Just The News John Solomon July 7 2021

For months now, President Biden and key Democrats have waged endless battle against state laws designed to improve the integrity of elections, ones that make voting easier and cheating harder.

From the start, the mission was complicated since its message ran smack into strong American sentiments in the court of public opinion: Polling shows three quarters of Americans support integrity measures like voter ID that Biden called “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”

Now the Democrat train has run into a similar harsh reality in the courts of law, where justices and judges alike have concluded integrity measures aren’t unconstitutional if they aren’t designed to suppress based on race or skin color or socio-economic status.

The latest blow to the Jim Crow 2.0 argument was delivered Wednesday, when a federal judge refused to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Georgia’s
 new election integrity law.

 ###  6- Three issues pushed by Democrats: Defund the Police, Critical Race Theory, and Voter ID have blown up in the Left’s faces. It turns out that polling shows the majority of Americans think the Democrat’s positions on these are horrible. So, what do the Dems do? They have started trying to convince people that the Republicans are the ones have promoted them. Don’t let them get away with this! Hold firm on supporting our police, ditching propaganda in schools and urging Voter ID Laws. It is because you are holding fast on these issues in your communities that the polling is so bad for the Dems.

Desperate Dems Deny Their Agenda Three Times – July 8 2021  Issues and Insights Editorial Board

After spending the better part of the year talking up a “defund the police” agenda, Democrats are now trying to claim that it’s Republicans who want to strip the police of their resources.

Meanwhile, even as the left pushes the Marxist “critical race theory” into the nation’s schools, military and private sector, it’s denying what it’s doing. Why is the left trying to gaslight America on this? Because, for one, an increasing number of parents are in open revolt over this noxious propaganda. 

Then there’s the issue of voter ID laws. Up until just days ago, Democrats were united in decrying voter ID laws as racist attempts to suppress minority voters.  

Now, suddenly, they are all more accepting of the idea, if not openly endorsing it. But instead of admitting that their past opposition to this common-sense reform was a wrongheaded attempt at race-baiting, Democrats are pretending that they never opposed voter ID laws.

### There are many places to look to see that all is not lost. Keep fighting in your communities on all fronts.  Share information. Pray.


Right off the top this week, we – the Proud Members of Team Kraken – want you to see an interview that Sidney did over the weekend with Professor David Clements.

As members of Team Kraken, we are very aware of the qualities of the person we have been chosen to work beside. We could not be prouder to advance under the thoughtful guidance of our very own Guardian Angel of Justice – Sidney Powell.

Much of who Sidney is and how she got that way is not widely known. She was forged early in the essence of the law and justice. She has always been motivated to find the Truth and, above all, to seek Justice, regardless of the difficulty.

This is also a rare telling of those historic days after November 3rd and the Flynn case. Plus Sidney’s early days as a young US Attorney in the “Wild West” of Texas.

David Clements is a former prosecutor and now a law professor at the University of New Mexico.  He is the kindest, smartest, most devout and honorable person you will find. We wish everyone in college had people like Clements as teachers and mentors.

Like many of us on the front lines of the Battle to Save America, he came to this fight accidentally and randomly.

You can find Professor David K. Clements every day commenting and interviewing on his Telegram account, The Professor’s Record.


Sidney Powell: Pursuing Justice. No matter the cost.

Sidney is on Telegram too at,   ⚡️🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽    It looks just like that. Beware fake accounts.  Sidney currently has 492,049 followers.

We will have more for you later today. There is so much news that you need to know and share.

Hold Fast,

The Proud Members of Team Kraken


Yes, this is a long email but there is much we need to know and learn

Yesterday, (July 12)  Federal Judge Linda Parker, an Obama appointee, heard six hours of argument on the Michigan sanction motions against Sidney and other attorneys. These sanction motions are at the request of the Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson. Both are Democrats.

The sanction motion is harassment by the left desperate to shut down anyone pointing out, much less trying to prove, that Election 2020 had serious evidence of fraud.

We will update you as this progresses.


1-  New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020

In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.


2- Remember Mark Judge? He is an old friend of Justice Kavanugh who was smeared by Michael Avenatti’s lies. A must read.

The End of Avenatti: the Rise and Fall (and Fall and Fall and Fall) of the Creepy Porn Lawyer

In 2018, Avenatti widely and falsely accused the author of being involved in gang rapes as a teen.

QUOTE: … the bottom line is that our media is not only deeply biased but savagely, cosmically incompetent. They fell for the ludicrous scams of Michael Avenatti, the disgraced lawyer who has just been sentenced to thirty months in jail for trying to extort Nike.


3- Remember our discussion on how Big Tech is trying to completely silence at least one half of America. Here is more proof.  We may NOT say anything about Covid-CCP that challenges the Left narrative.

YouTube Deletes CPAC’s Video About Trump’s Lawsuit, Group Can’t Upload Content

YouTube has prevented American Conservative Union from sharing content from CPAC 2021 Part 2 in Dallas, Texas, including former President Donald Trump’s speech on Sunday, July 11.

“According to the ACU, YouTube said their video contained alleged “medical misinformation” regarding COVID-19 for the reason why it removed the video.


4- This has been the consistent polling results on Voter ID, across all groups, for a decade. And yet, we still fight this battle.

POLL: 78% Of American Voters Favor Stronger Voter ID Law A large majority of Americans support stricter voting laws that include voter identification requirements, according to a new poll.

The poll was commissioned by the Republican National Committee and conducted by former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway.

“The phone survey — which was conducted June 8-June 13 with 800 registered voters, 31 percent of whom identify as Democrats, 29 percent as Republicans, and 36 percent as independents — found 80 percent of its participants feel verifying voter ID ‘is an important security measure,’ while 89 percent said that they are in favor of ‘purging voter rolls’ after individuals have died or are no longer registered in previous areas they resided in.”


5- There has never been any discussion of real science by anyone connected to government on Covid-CCP since the very beginning. There has always been a totally different motive.

Rand Paul on CDC Guidance, Federal Mandates on Masks: ‘It’s About Submission’

Friday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) criticized the justification for mask mandates, arguing that they were not based on science.

“It’s about submission,” he said. “There’s never been any evidence of spreading events in the schools. The kids do very well with this. The idea that we’re going to put masks on the kids, and then we’re going to punish the kids who, for their own medical decision-making or their parents, decide not to submit to this mandate. To me, it’s the biggest, basically advertisement and encouragement to get out of the government schools.

Go to private schools, if you can afford them, teach your kids at home. But don’t submit to the state, don’t submit to the government.”


6- Our current Veep thinks people in Fly-Over Country are stupid.

Kamala Harris on Voter ID Says Rural Rubes in America Ain’t Got No Fancy Photocopy Stuff

Hey y’all! Butter my buns and call me a biscuit… Ms. Harris is worried there ain’t a Kinko’s or OfficeMax in our rural places for us to get them high-tech photographic copies of our ID’s for mail-in ballots ‘n stuff.


7- We are cheering!

Fauci: ‘It’s Horrifying’ CPAC Audience Cheer for America Not Being More Vaccinated

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it was “horrifying” to see an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) cheer a low vaccination rate.


8- NEVER mentioned is the millions who had Covid-CCP and recovered. They have immunity far surpassing the experimental vaccine. Know the FACTS before you VAX.

People Who Recover From COVID-19 at ‘Very Low Risk’ of Reinfection: Study
People who have contracted COVID-19 and recovered should know that the risk for reinfection is very low, a doctor said after the publication of a study he worked on.

Researchers analyzed records from Curative, a clinical laboratory based in San Dimas, California, that specializes in COVID-19 testing and has been conducting routine workforce screening during the pandemic. None of the 254 employees who had COVID-19 and recovered became reinfected, while four of the 739 who were fully vaccinated contracted the disease.


9- In case you wonder why every politician in the USA is pushing the unproven vaccine.

Big Pharma Wrote 10,000 Checks Worth $9 Million to Help Elect State Politicians in 2020

Big Pharma targets bipartisan lawmakers in influential positions who can affect decisions that affect the industry. Once elected, lawmakers are tempted with lucrative job promises after leaving office.


10- Who is making billions on an untested, experimental vaccine?

With Feds (Fauci) Help, Moderna Forecasts Record Revenue of $19.2B

The federal government, by way of the National Institute of Health (NIH), and more specifically through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)— under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci—has been massively funding the development of the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine with U.S. taxpayer money since the process to develop vaccines for the pandemic got underway.

Additionally, scientists from the NIH are involved in some of the associated patents for the mRNA vaccine. As early as 2013, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) gave up to $25 million to Moderna to help develop its mRNA technology.


Read, share, educate, get real facts, and pray for our country.

That is all we ask.

Much more news coming this week.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken


Dear Patriots,

Sometimes we can share with you short bits of news because that is all you need to know about a story.

Sometimes we need to dig a little deeper.

Today, we are sharing two longer articles that go into a lot of detail. We have pulled some of the “money quotes” but, we urge you to spend some time reading them in full.

Also today, we add a few quick hits.


1- Hopefully, by now, you are aware of former NYTimes reporter Alex Berenson and the deep diving he has been doing for almost two years on all the issues related to Covid-CCP. He has received, as you can imagine, a lot of push back from the left. And yet he continues to share his research.

By the way, Alex has written several short books on his Covid research. He also writes the fictional John Wells spy series. His recent stand alone fiction book, “The Power Couple” is a good twisty, exciting summer beach read.

In this piece from his Substack page, Alex examines many serious questions surrounding the vaccine and the trials the billion dollar drug companies did prior to forcing them on all humans.

He looks into the data from heavily vaccinated countries, Israel, Scotland and England and finds disturbing but unreported news on the efficacy of the vaccines.

As Alex writes: “As public health authorities and the media press vaccinations ever harder on young people – who are at almost no risk from Covid anyway – their unwillingness to face difficult realities will only feed conspiracy theories and resistance”

Read More Here:

Vaccines, reasons for concern, part 3

QUOTE: This meant that when Pfizer and Moderna said in November 2020 their vaccines were about 95% effective at preventing Covid, what they meant was that the vaccines were 95% effective at peak protection FOR A MATTER OF WEEKS.

Neither the companies nor anyone else had any way of knowing how well the vaccines would work in a year, much less in five years – or 20 years. They simply did not have any long-term data. How could they? The vaccines hadn’t even existed until months before, and they used technology that had never been approved for any drug or vaccine.

But the political and media pressure to encourage vaccinations was enormous. Public health experts ignored these potential pitfalls. Instead they decided to press vaccinations as quickly as possible on everyone.

QUOTE: I hope it is clear by now that to know for sure just how quickly the vaccines lose their effectiveness will require very careful AND HONEST statistical analysis of complex data.

Instead of offering that, however, American public health authorities are doubling down on their promise of vaccine effectiveness. They trumpet unverified statistics that appear increasingly implausible in the light of the more granular data coming from Israel and especially Britain (which has excellent data from a national health care system and a commitment to publishing weekly reports that cannot be easily manipulated).


2- We are big fans of the writings and thinking of professor and military historian, Victor Davis Hanson

This piece is a litany of events that have been foisted upon us in the last four years. It is a long list. It is no wonder we sometimes get discouraged. This historian makes a bold prediction. It is not a good one for the left.

Reading the quotes alone does not do the writing justice.

Read More Here:

Trump Winds and Biden Whirlwinds

QUOTE: The ties that bound all these melodramas over the last four years were threefold: 1) venomous hatred of outlier, controversial, and combative Trump; 2) the sanctimonious, near-religious belief that any means necessary were justified in the noble aim of destroying his presidency—and damn any lasting damage to traditional customs and constitutional norms; and 3) no counterforce would ever dream of doing to the Left what it was doing to destroy Trump.

QUOTE: The Left is well on its way to incurring a pushback in 2022 comparable to 2010, with the potential to make the Tea Party boomerang seem like small stuff. And the difference this time around is that there are no customs, no traditions left in treatment accorded a political opponent in office. No one any longer knows what is fair play and what is out of bounds, but only what the Democrats have left us as the new normal: if you deem a candidate, a president-elect, and a president a radical threat to your agenda, then any means necessary to destroy or to remove him and his enablers are not merely legal but absolutely moral and necessary—and damned be the damage to the nation.

What has been sown into the Trump wind, will likely be reaped in the Biden whirlwind.



1- This is happening because YOU are engaged and informed and YOU are fighting back!!

Report: CRT wars are taking toll on lefty administrators

QUOTE: File this report under “good news if true.” According to NBC News, opposition to attempts to impose left-wing race-oriented propaganda in America’s schools is taking a toll on those who are trying to impose it.

NBC leads its story with the case of Rydell Harrison, the superintendent of the Easton-Redding-Region 9 School Districts in Connecticut. He resigned after coming under fire from parents opposed to CRT.


2- Rarepush back from the right.

Consumer group attacks ‘woke’ MLB and Ticketmaster in seven-figure ad buy

QUOTE: The conservative consumer group, which launched its Consumers First Initiative in May targeting American Airlines, Nike, and Coca-Cola, now has its sights set on Major League Baseball and Ticketmaster. Its campaign against the two companies features a seven-figure ad buy that will run nationally and in the local markets where both businesses are headquartered.

The first ad attacks MLB Commissioner Robert Manfred over the league’s decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta in protest of Republican-backed voting legislation. The ad, titled “Losing Record,” accuses Manfred of “parroting dishonest, partisan talking points” about the Georgia law.


3-  Know the facts before you vax.

FDA to Add Warning to J&J Vaccine of ‘Serious But Rare’ Autoimmune Disorder

QUOTE: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will announce a new warning on Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine saying the shot is linked to Guillain–Barré syndrome. In April, the agency added a warning about blood clotting disorders to the J&J shot.

According to The New York Times, the chances of developing GBS after receiving the J&J shot is three to five times higher than would be expected in the general population in the U.S.


4- Many people had Covid-CCP long before anyone knew what it was.

COVID Began Far Earlier Than We Were Told

QUOTE: Europe, French researchers said they found traces of covid-19 in Nov 2019…scientists from National Cancer Institute of Milan and University of Siena found 10% of blood samples from a cancer screening trial contained COVID antibodies… samples included some from Sept 2019.

According to the study, 11.6% of individuals in a lung cancer clinical trial, months before the known COVID outbreak, had already been exposed to the virus. As antibodies take several weeks post infection to develop, it’s likely that some individuals had active infections in August 2019, or perhaps much earlier as antibody detection offers a minimum, not maximum, time window post-infection.

Similar findings were described in the U.S. Antibody tests run on American Red Cross blood donations from December 2019 to January 2020 showed just over 1% of blood donations contained COVID-19 antibodies, suggesting that the virus was active in the U.S. in the fall of 2019, perhaps  earlier.


5- We do not usually talk about global warming but it is interesting that when it comes to polluting the earth, the biggest offender is …China.

Climate change: Just 25 mega-cities emit 52 per cent of the world’s urban greenhouse gases

QUOTE: Just over half of the world’s urban greenhouse gas emissions come from just 25 mega-cities — 23 of which are located in China — a study has reported.

The cities that emit the most greenhouse gases included Handan, Suzhou, Dalian, Beijing and Tianjin in China — but also Tokyo, Japan, and Moscow, Russia.


6- Socialism never works. Ask a Cuban. They are in the street waving the American Flag. It must be confusing to the American elite left to know who to support. But, it won’t be the people yearning for freedom. Pray for the people of Cuba.

Cuba: The Collapse Of Another Socialist Utopia? Let’s Hope So

QUOTE:  Like an unwatched pot suddenly violently boiling over, Havana and other cities have erupted in defiant protests by Cubans fed up with living in their perpetually depressed tropical police state. True to form, the Castroite regime has already reflexively cracked down on the protests with brutality.

Cubans weary of being treated like animals without rights took to the streets, shouting “Freedom!” “Down with the dictatorship,” and, most pointedly, “Down with communism!” In some cases, protesters carried American flags. This was not an isolated demonstration: According to the Spanish-language data site Inventario, some 63 cities and towns were roiled by demonstrations on Sunday through early Monday.

7-  The Biden Regime is gearing up to spy on your text messages.

No One Undermined Coronavirus Vaccine Confidence More than Biden and Harris

QUOTE:  Although no one has done more to undermine confidence in the coronavirus vaccine than His Fraudulency Joe Biden and Her Vice Fraudulency Kamala Harris, the flailing White House is now blaming the political right’s “fake news” and “false information” for the slowdown in vaccination rates.

To combat that, the administration is turning to fascism, coercion, and spying.

    • Get the FDA to rush official approval of the vaccine.

    • Send government-approved emissaries door-to-door to have a little talk           with the unvaccinated.

    • Push for schools and businesses to mandate vaccinations.

    • Fact check our text messages (which is spying).

None of that will work. If the government muscles the FDA to approve the vaccine, the vaccine-hesitant will simply say, and not without cause, The government muscled the FDA to approve the vaccine. Other than increasing resentment towards the government and our institutions, the other three items on that list will change nothing.


Look for the announcement of the winner of the Kraken logo contest and GOOD NEWS FRIDAY.

Of course, we will break in with urgent news.

Read. Learn. Study. Share. Pray. But not necessarily in that order!

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken

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