Please go to Enjoy all 10,000+ images with my compliments.
Category: Fractals
Here is where my latest fractals are displayed. Any other website info from the lifesmith site will also be here.
Visit for many thousands more…these are from 2017…
Over 650 brand new images for this year! Enjoy them all for free! Just a few samples…
Greetings from southern California on this glorious Sunday morning! Enjoy!
…these don’t…enjoy…
Take a moment out of your angry, fear-filled day (without trick-or-treat candy) and enjoy some mathematical art…all the colors can really play together very nicely, thank you…
These are fractals. They are constructions, calculations actually, made of complex algebra and light. Been at this since 1988…please enjoy them for free here, and on .
Sure am glad to be in southern California today…up in Spokane they had 3-4 inches of SNOW last night…and 30 degrees F during the day…enjoy…