You may have heard …
Dear Patriots,
You may have heard about our new documentary, Doctor’s Orders.
We have been overwhelmed with the positive response! If you have not seen it yet, please watch.
Then share this important information with your friends and family and post it on social media.
Here are just a few comments from people who have already watched, Doctor’s Orders.

1- Great news for the children still in public schools in Pennsylvania. The PA Supremes have ruled the mask mandates were imposed without authority.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Ends School Mask Mandate
QUOTE: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court affirmed on Dec. 10 a Commonwealth Court decision that stated that Acting Health Secretary Alison Beam didn’t have the authority to issue a mask mandate for everyone indoors at schools and child care centers.
The ruling means that, effective immediately, school mask-wearing is no longer mandatory, although many school districts have a local rule that students who wish to wear a mask may still do so.
The suit was brought by Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman, a Republican running for governor. It was filed personally, as a parent, along with other parents, and not as part of a Senate action. “With today’s ruling, the power for parents and local leaders to make health and safety decisions in our schools is restored,” Corman said in a statement.
2- What a move by this fearless Governor! Desantis is always pushing back on the results of the horrible decisions made by the left. We hope he busses the illegals up to Biden’s home state. We hope we hear the yelling and screaming when Democrat politicians are forced to deal with the influx.
DeSantis Proposes $8 Million in Budget to Relocate Illegal Immigrants to Delaware, Martha’s Vineyard
QUOTE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis set $8 million in his 2022–23 budget to transport illegal immigrants out of The Sunshine State.
“In yesterday’s budget, I put in $8 million for us to be able to transport people illegally [in the United States] out of the state of Florida,” he said during a press conference on Friday.
The Republican governor listed Delaware, President Joe Biden’s hometown state, and Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Barack Obama owns a mansion, as potential destinations to relocate the illegal immigrants.
“If you sent [illegal immigrants] to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard or some of these places, that border would be secure the next day,” he said.
3- This is not the first study to prove that natural immunity is where it is at when fighting Covid-CCP. It will not be the last to prove it either. Once again we have common sense proven by a scientific study that will be ignored in favor of mandates, lock downs and vaccines.
New study suggests natural immunity is more protective over time than COVID-19 vaccine
QUOTE: According to a new study out of Israel, the immunity individuals experience after recovering from COVID-19 is better than the protection experienced by individuals following an immunization against the virus.
Those with natural immunity, according to the study, had a 10.5 per 100,000 infection rate four to six months following recovery, compared to a 69.2 per 100,000 case rate among the vaccinated.
Among the vaccinated, 0.9% of all cases were severe, compared to 0.5% among the recovered.
Protection against the virus drops over time in both groups, but is more pronounced among the vaccinated.
The study out of Israel is part of a body of research that suggests the naturally immune are better protected than any other group against infection and serious illness.”If you had COVID before and recovered, all the data that we’re looking at will suggest that you have bulletproof natural immunity, which is much more robust and comprehensive than vaccine immunity,” Dr. Paul Alexander, one of the epidemiologists who has worked with the Early COVID Care Experts to compile the extensive collection of studies told the Epoch Times.
4- Looking for ways YOU can help save our country? Here are a few suggestions. They are FREE, but valuable!
• Fly the American flag.
• Insist on honesty and integrity in your home. Children learn what they live.
• Sign up for our newsletter and send it to everyone you know.
• Arm yourself with the facts and push back on all the lies.
• Turn off your televisions. Look for reliable alternative sources of information and think for yourselves. We recommend The Epoch Times, CDMedia, The Conservative Treehouse, Just the News, Gateway Pundit, Revolver, Daily Wire, LindellTV, FrankSpeech, and Steve Bannon The War Room Podcast.
Remember, nothing substitutes for being informed and thinking for yourselves.
Read. Know. Share. Pray.
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
Doctor’s Orders
Dear Patriots,
Do you have faith in your doctor? Does he or she have your best interest in mind when they make decisions about your health? Maybe they do.
However, since Covid-CCP we are seeing that many doctors are being coerced into acting as puppets for hospital corporations and Big Pharma.
Defending The Republic has produced a documentary, Doctors Orders, on Covid-CCP issues. We have talked to honest, ethical doctors, scientists, patients and pharmacists who have gone back with us to the beginning of Covid hysteria.
They explain, with personal stories, how our medical system has failed us and continues to fail us – not to mention the failure of almost all media and the government.
This documentary is eye-opening. It’s encouraging. It’s hopeful.
There are simple, proven and inexpensive cures for Covid-CCP. It is immensely treatable. But the truth is:
It is up to you to understand the science and advocate for yourself and your loved ones. You can NOT depend on your doctors to help you.
You will learn in this documentary the real science and how to protect your health. Many of our freedoms in America depend on you studying this information and acting on it.
Ultimately, we must educate ourselves and take responsibility for doing all we can to stay healthy, take vitamins, exercise, stay informed, and stand up for our rights.
We at will do all we can to help you.
We ask that you watch so that you know the truth. And, as always, share the documentary with your family and friends.

Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
Regardless of who wins any election, in order to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
Have you missed a newsletter or wish to revisit a past newsletter? They are archived HERE .
Follow Our Progress:
Dear Patriots,
There are so many moving parts on so many issues this week; but, overall, there was some good news emerging.
1- This will be hard to pass through the House but, we will take this victory with glee. Elected Republicans sometimes recognize they are the ones who need to fight for liberty.
Senate votes to repeal Biden COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses
QUOTE: In a major rebuke to President Joe Biden, the Senate voted 52-48 to repeal the administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate requiring private businesses with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated, undergo testing, or be fired.
The final vote of the evening on Wednesday, the bill was unanimously supported by Republicans, and Democrat Sens. Jon Tester (Mont.) and Joe Manchin (W.V.).
The vaccine mandate, issued by executive order, affects more than 80 million Americans, and would impose a $14,000 fine on those who do not comply.
The legislation will head to the Democratic-controlled House, where it is expected to face a difficult battle to pass.
2- If you have been following the legal battles surrounding January 6, you will want to read these stories.
There is likely a lot of Brady material (evidence of innocence or otherwise favorable to the defense) in the information Bannon seeks.
He is entitled to that as a matter of law. Read LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice for the Truth of DOJs own special ops against individuals.
Left Media Panic Over Bannon ‘Blowing Up the Whole System’ With Legal Fight
QUOTE: The Daily Beast – a far-left web blog – appears to be channeling the panic emanating from those who have supported the criminal prosecution of former Trump advisor Stephen K. Bannon for “contempt of Congress”.
In an article from Thursday morning, the site reports:
Bannon is attempting to force investigators to potentially expose who they’ve talked to and what they’ve said, peek into secret communications on the committee, and create a playbook for other resistant witnesses, according to several legal experts….
As Bannon faces criminal charges, he’s entitled to the evidence against him. And in a typical galaxy-brain, Bannon countergambit, Trump’s former senior adviser is trying to make some of that evidence public.
According to a Sunday night court filing by federal prosecutors, that includes secret witness interviews by law enforcement and internal communications between House committee staff members. The Justice Department claims that, if this material were exposed to the public, it would cause “specific harms” like “witness tampering,” with the added effect of making it difficult to find impartial jurors at a future trial.
In reality, such legal maneuvers are both commonplace and indeed best practice.
Shining a light on the bogus January 6th House Committee.
John Eastman’s Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its ‘Subpoenas’.
QUOTE: Lawyers acting for constitutional law professor John Eastman have picked apart the raison d’etre for the January 6th Congressional committee, as well pointing out the potential for abuse of power and breaches of House rules.
Eastman – a target of the commission – is held up as guilty of insurrection by the political left for having the constitutional opinion that Vice President Mike Pence had no obligation to count ballots for states where political and legal proceedings were underway regarding election fraud.
The fisking of the committee will irk the already enfeebled group of Democrats, fresh off their latest round of embarrassments at the hands of another target: former Trump advisor Stephen K. Bannon.
3- Don’t believe what you hear. The Biden vax mandates are toast. Even a left-wing Democrat like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has changed her tune.
Mandates lose in courts and public opinion
QUOTE: That is one of five vax mandates Biden issued. Each covers a particular group. Each is going down in flames in the courts because the Constitution did not make him the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz.
The court of public opinion is turning on vax mandates.
In September, Gallup reported 68% of Americans supported, “Requiring companies with more than 100 employees to provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated or to recover from vaccine side effects.”
3 months later, The Hill reported, “50% of voters back President Biden’s vaccine mandate for large private companies, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday. “The poll also found 47% of voters opposed the measure.”
Democrats in DC can read polls. They are unhappy.
Politico reported, “In recent comments, several high-profile Democrats have stated their opposition to vaccine mandates, specifically applied to private businesses. The most recent Democratic lawmaker to voice her concern was Michigan Gov. GRETCHEN WHITMER. Once considered to be Biden’s vice president, Whitmer said she opposes mandates, citing the impact on the state’s workforce — as Michigan grapples with upticks in cases and residents are split on whether or not to get the vaccine.”
4- Biden is not the only socialist politician who is losing in court.
NY Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Blow to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Vaccine Mandate
QUOTE: New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio issued a vaccine mandate on October 29. But in a ruling that throws into question the legality of the “mandate,” a judge for the Supreme Court of New York has blocked it.
“Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for New York City employees, including the NYPD, has been blocked by a Manhattan court,” Newsweek reported. “On Tuesday, Judge Frank P. Nervo in the Supreme Court of New York gave notice that the mandate was suspended, pending a hearing scheduled for December 14,” the report added.
“The ruling comes shortly after Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would also require private-sector workers to be vaccinated by Dec. 27. That policy affects about 184,000 businesses,” the Wall Street Journal noted.
5- Great news. But do not count on hearing it much from the Fake-Corporate Media.
Reports Show Omicron Is the Least Severe Variant of COVID-19 Yet
QUOTE: Get ready for a lot of panic but not a lot to panic about as reports show that Omicron, while being the latest variant, is the least threatening of the COVID-19 variants according to reports.
According to the New York Times, the variant comes from South Africa where, despite spreading rapidly, seems to have little or no effect on those who contract it. Researchers in Pretoria sent reports that those with this variant of the Coronavirus are “much less sick” than previous patients.
“In fact, they said, most of their infected patients were admitted for other reasons and have no Covid symptoms,” said the Times.
Given the patterns, our government and media are likely to make the omicron’s heightened case numbers the focal point and not the lack of symptoms. The real virus will be the fear the left attempts to introduce to the people, but if everyone stops and pays attention to the entirety of the data, we may come to realize that omicron is the least scary of a virus that doesn’t exactly have a lot of scary things about it in the first place, especially as the variants continue to parade themselves around the world, progressively becoming less and less dangerous as viruses do.
6- The more young people not watching these shows the better for everyone!
Kimmel, Colbert, Fallon Ratings Plummet for Four Months Straight Among Key Youth Demographic
QUOTE: In a sign of their declining popularity, late-night comedians Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Jimmy Fallon have seen their ratings plummet for more than four months straight, as viewers in the coveted 18-49 year old demographic are tuning out consistently compared to last year, according to data reviewed by Breitbart News.
For last week, the three major late-night shows experienced a 19 percent drop from last year in their average weekly viewership in the 18-49 demographic. These declines tend to be between 10 percent and 20 percent every week as far back as mid July, though some weeks saw even bigger drops. The week ending October 10 saw a 28 percent drop from the same week last year.
The data showed similar but less precipitous drops for total households.
The across-the-board ratings decline signals trouble for the three major networks as they continue to use their late-night shows to push a radical left-wing agenda while demonizing conservatives.
7- A small device placed in every classroom, protected hundreds of children.
Oxford High School parents say Nightlock door stops saved their kids’ lives
QUOTE: Parents of Oxford High School students in Michigan are thanking the door lock company that installed door stops throughout the school district. They say this company helped save their kids’ lives — and hundreds more after a school shooting last month that left four dead and seven injured.
Jack Taylor, the co-founder of Nightlock, tells WEYI News nearly 700 door barricades are inside the Oxford School District, with every classroom having at least one door stop box. Parents in the district are now extremely grateful for these devices.
It’s just overwhelming, the feeling that we get knowing that we saved lives,” Taylor said.
Emotions are still high after the traumatic events in Oxford. Those emotions are felt around the world, and specifically for the people of Nightlock who say they have received a number of calls from grateful parents.
8- Many New Yorkers love living in that exciting city; but as more and more freedoms are striped away, people are leaving. This is one story of a family moving out of a city they adore. Thankfully, as Americans we can move from state to state. At least so far….
(The American Conservative)
QUOTE: Now layer the Covid biomedical security state on top of all this: the cruel and development-warping masking of kids, which won’t end anytime soon, if ever, though we have known for more than a year that they are at minuscule risk from the virus and transmit it at a much lower rate than do adults; the prolonged lockdowns that carved a swath of destruction through some of the most beloved small businesses in my little rectangle and many other neighborhoods, as well; the endless vax-mandate and booster-shot treadmill, just extended to children as young as 5; and, yes, the added informal enforcement of it all by sad, mostly childless middle-aged white women henpecking you in elevators and in department stores, even when and where mask mandates aren’t in effect.
You know what? Take the Big Apple dream and shove it—for now, at least. I’ll miss my rectangle, but not enough to subject my family to its insanities.
9- What a wonderful history of the timeless and special “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. The perfect show to watch with the family this weekend.
How ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Symbolizes the Triumph of Common Sense
QUOTE: December 9th marks the anniversary of the Christmas TV special which basically birthed all others: “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”
For those unfamiliar with the tale, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” went from conception to classic in a manner of months, something that simply doesn’t happen in the world of television production.
But what few people know is that before the special aired on television, Peanuts creator Charles Schulz and his crew believed their Christmas special was following in the footsteps of Charlie Brown himself and was doomed to be a failure. Just like in Charlie Brown’s Christmas story, those who had commissioned Schulz and his crew to do the show were quick to pile on and express their disappointment with the television product.
But as we now know, Schulz, his crew, and the executives from CBS were dead wrong. The program became an overnight hit, pulling in almost half of the TV ratings for the evening. The show went on to win both an Emmy and a Peabody award, and has been broadcast every Christmas since that memorable one in 1965.
The reason I find the backstory behind “A Charlie Brown Christmas” so fascinating is because of how it highlights the great disconnect between the ordinary, average American and those in life who pull the strings.
10- We often talk about how important getting healthy is; it is integral to the overall war we are waging.
This piece discusses the massive health benefits of being grateful.
The Profound Health Benefits of Being Grateful
QUOTE: Gratitude is a simple practice that can have profound effects on your health and well-being. Positive effects linked to gratitude include social, psychological, and physical benefits, which increase the more you make gratitude a regular part of your daily routine.
“The limits to gratitude’s health benefits are really in how much you pay attention to feeling and practicing gratitude,” said neuroscientist Glenn Fox, a gratitude expert at the University of Southern California. “It’s very similar to working out, in that the more you practice, the better you get. The more you practice, the easier it is to feel grateful when you need it.”
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
Nancy Pelosi’s “Wrap Up Smear” is Playing Out Before Your Eyes
By Sidney Powell
Watch the explanation, delivered as only Ms. Pelosi can.
When backed into a corner by the truth and caught in their own lies, the Left launches its favorite tactic: Nancy Pelosi’s “Wrap Up Smear” campaign. It’s unfolding right now.
You can watch it in real time. The targets now are me (Sidney Powell) and Defending The Republic.
It’s the same thing they did to General Flynn. First there are innuendos and vague assertions of improper moral conduct. Then comes the barrage of lies and accusations, of false statements and monetary or other improprieties. They spread their vile stories through all of the media outlets, led by the Washington Post. You know their plan. They are relentless.
It’s the politics of personal destruction that the Left wages against anyone who doesn’t otherwise succumb to its bullying, intimidation, lawsuits, bar grievances, sanctions motions – anything it can think of to try to destroy a person who dares to stand up on behalf of the American people.
In the “leaks,” conversations, and accusations being spread across the media, many misrepresentations have been made. Outright lies have been told about me and about Defending The Republic – not to mention breaches of fiduciary and other legal duties.
Know that both I and Defending The Republic will address all valid concerns through appropriate channels in appropriate ways consistent with our obligations to our donors, our fiduciary duties, and to the law.
In the meantime, understand that what you are seeing in the press every day now — spearheaded by the Democratic destruction machine at the Washington Post — is the perfect execution of the “Wrap Up Smear” tactic of the now communist government elites who realize the American people know they are the liars and cheats.
If you missed my important segment on Frank TV, please watch it here.
And remember, as Chuck Schumer said,
“The Intelligence Community has six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”
It’s happening now.
We are going to keep our focus on our work on behalf of the American people on the issues of fraud in the election, restoring election integrity, representing January 6 defendants, and representing members of our military who want to protect their right to choose whether to take a dangerous bio-chemical injection. We will take the high road.
Arm yourself with knowledge of the Left’s tactics and filter out the noise of all the destructive lies and what seems to be in-fighting. Unfortunately, not everyone who seemed, or may seem, to be on our side — the side of Truth, Justice, Righteousness, and Courage — actually is. Evil has infiltrated many places. It is showing itself more every day.
We will prevail. Truth is the armor of God. You, the people who have always made this country work, are entitled to the Truth. We work every day to find that for you, and we are relentless on your behalf.
May we return to God and heal our land.
Hold Fast,
You may have heard … Dec 6
Dear Patriots,
Over the past year, we have often asked you to “Hold Fast”. We have always believed the truth and common sense would eventually win out; that if we keep fighting, sharing and praying, our country will overcome the daily attacks on our freedoms.
You may have heard that in the past few days the Biden vaccine mandates are hitting a brick wall in the courts. This has lead many government agencies and businesses to back off firing people for resisting a vaccine that is being shown worthless against the virus and also dangerous to some peoples’ health.
1- Alex Berenson reports on his Substack, he has been totally banned from Big Tech social media, that vaccine mandates are being ignored more often. You will not be told this by the Fake-Corporate Media.
Vaccine mandates suspended at the Cleveland Clinic, across other NE Ohio hospitals
QUOTE: I’m guessing now that this is happening all over the country and the elite media has just refused to report it. If your hospital or provider has suspended its mandate, please let me know.
A giant Florida hospital system has ended its vaccine mandate
QUOTE: Advent Health will no longer require its 83,000 employees to be vaccinated against Covid.
Given the fact the mandates are causing crippling staff shortages around the country, expect other hospitals and healthcare providers to follow soon.
Amazing that rules that are likely never even to take formal effect have caused such a crisis. Just another gift from Uncle Joe this holiday season.
3- The boosters being pushed now by governments, shows no greater protections. At least that is what the World Health Organization has found.
WHO: ‘No Evidence’ Boosting Entire Population Offers Greater Protection to Healthy Individuals
Quote: A top World Health Organization (WHO) official said there is “no evidence” to suggest that CCP virus booster doses would offer “greater protection” to healthy people. Dr. Mike Ryan, the WHO’s emergency director, questioned the logic of some countries trying to produce more booster doses to vaccinate anyone aged 18 and older.
“Right now, there is no evidence that I’m aware of that would suggest that boosting the entire population is going to necessarily provide any greater protection for otherwise healthy individuals against hospitalization and death,” Ryan said.
“The real risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death lies, in particularly, in at-risk and vulnerable individuals,” he said, “who do require protection against all variants of COVID-19,” the illness caused by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus.
4- Shockingly, Washington DC has lifted the mask mandates imposed by a far-left Mayor.
DC’s mask mandate is gone, and it has cost zero lives thus far
QUOTE: What does total herd immunity from the coronavirus look like? It might look like Washington, D.C.
Even before Mayor Muriel Bowser reimposed an indoor mask mandate over the summer, the nation’s capital had averaged less than one coronavirus death per week. By the time the Democrat decided to revoke the mandate last month, just 12 unvaccinated residents had died in all of 2021. And now, more than a week after the mask mandate’s removal went into effect, not one life has been lost to the coronavirus.
Unlike Southern states, which already suffered their latest coronavirus wave as people headed indoors for the warm months, the coronavirus’s seasonality for D.C. will probably increase cases for the winter. But not yet. Even with more D.C. residents heading indoors, traveling, and congregating in intergenerational households for Thanksgiving, the coronavirus death rate remained nonexistent.
And contrary to the ever-shifting goalposts presented by such “experts” as Anthony Fauci, D.C. did not have to vaccinate every resident older than 2 to do so.
5- We have been forced to be fearful by lying, unscientific “leaders”.
COVID-19 a Pandemic of Fear ‘Manufactured’ by Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist
QUOTE: The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of fear, manufactured by individuals who were in the nominal positions of authority as the virus began to spread across the globe last year, according to Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch.
In an appearance on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program, Risch, an epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, argued that by and large, what has characterized the entire CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic has been a “degree of fear and people’s response to the fear.”
“Overall, I’d say that we’ve had a pandemic of fear. And fear has affected almost everybody, whereas the infection has affected relatively few,” said Risch.
“By and large, it’s been a very selected pandemic, and predictable. It was very distinguished between young versus old, healthy versus chronic disease people. So we quickly learned who was at risk for the pandemic and who wasn’t,” he added.
“However, the fear was manufactured for everybody. And that’s what’s characterized the whole pandemic is that degree of fear and people’s response to the fear.”
The epidemiology professor suggested that individuals who held the nominal positions of authority during the onset of the pandemic in March 2020 initially spread a much worse picture of the “dire nature” of the virus than was warranted.
6- This is a good example of how the left uses real science to scare, intimidate, and remove people’s rights.
Researcher who helped discover omicron blasts travel bans: ‘Is that how you reward science?’
QUOTE: The scientist who helped discover the omicron coronavirus variant is ripping the travel bans that multiple nations, including the U.S., have imposted on certain African countries in an attempt to slow its spread.
“Is that how you reward science? By blacklisting countries?” Sikhulile Moyo, a virologist at the Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership who is considered one of the first to identify omicron, said in an interview with The Associated Press. “The virus does not know passports, it does not know borders,” Moyo added. “We should not do geopolitics about the virus. … We should be collaborating and understanding.”
7- Interesting study explaining why so many people have hysterical reactions to anything related to Covid-CCP. (McGill University)
Pandemic worriers shown to have impaired general cognitive abilities
QUOTE: A new study finds the pandemic may have also impaired people’s cognitive abilities and altered risk perception, at a time when making the right health choices is critically important.
Scientists at McGill University and The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) surveyed more than 1,500 Americans online from April to June, 2020. Participants were asked to rate their level of worry about the COVID-19 pandemic and complete a battery of psychological tests to measure their basic cognitive abilities like processing and maintaining information in mind. The data were then compared to results of the same tests collected before the pandemic.
The researchers found that those who experienced more pandemic-related worry had reduced information processing speed, ability to retain information needed to perform tasks, and heightened sensitivity to the odds they were given when taking risks. The pandemic group performed more poorly on the simple cognitive tasks than the pre-pandemic group. Also, participants in the last wave of data collection showed slower processing speed, lower ability to maintain goals in mind, and were more sensitive to risk than those in the first wave.
Interestingly, the study found that pandemic worry predicted individuals’ tendency to distort described risk levels: underweighting likely probabilities and overweighting unlikely probabilities. This suggests that worry related to COVID may have affected people’s decision-making style, which is crucial as it may influence people’s decisions about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
8- This podcast discusses what we should do when we find ourselves surrounded by people who have been infected by “Groupthink”. There is no place more infected by this than Hollywood. How do sensible people who still live and work there cope?
QUOTE: What should you do when you’re surrounded by groupthink? To find the answer, we hear from Nick Searcy – the actor and filmmaker behind the documentary Capitol Punishment, the true story behind the January 6th protest against election fraud. Nick has figured out how to survive and thrive in perhaps the most monolithic groupthink environment in America – Hollywood – and his story will help us all get through the cancel culture plaguing our country.
In our newsletters, we talk a lot about the Covid-CCP situation. Defending The Republic has been working to defend people, particularly those in the military, from being victims of these ill advised, non-scientific mandates being used to strip basic human freedoms.
We will continue to talk about and share information on this subject as it has a vast implications for each and everyone of us and how we live our lives.
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
In case you missed this important announcement.
Dear Patriots,Over the Thanksgiving we we alerted you to this event coming in January. In case you missed this information while celebrating, we offer you the details again. After the escalation of attacks this last week from all angles, it is more important than ever that we make a strong statement of unity in support of God, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. Please join us in Florida on January 8. Save the date: Visit to get tickets and up-to-date event information!
###The time is now. Please join me and these extraordinary faith leaders in The Renewal on January 8 in Plant City, Florida for the historic re-dedication of the people of the United States to God and the principles of the Mayflower Compact on which this country was founded. Sidney
THE RENEWAL: Restoring America’s Founding Covenant!

January 8, 2022 will mark the historic faith-based heritage event called THE RENEWAL: Restoring America’s Founding Covenant, with leaders gathered from across the country at the Strawberry Festival Amphitheater in Plant City, Florida, leading the USA’s reconciliation with God.
This is not a political event. We cannot solve spiritual problems by natural means such as military might, elected officials or even human governments. God is sovereign over all as stated in Daniel 2:21, “He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
THE RENEWAL is a spiritual solution to the current state of affairs in our land. Recovenanting and reconciliation combine to be the next Biblical step in the five-step renewal process (Repentance, Reconciliation, Restoration, Revival, Reformation) for the faithful remnant to usher in the mercy of our Lord.
THE RENEWAL will be a faith-focused day of heritage, history, praise, worship, and prayer dedicated to the American renewal of the covenant the Pilgrims made with God four centuries ago. The event will be broadcast on national television networks and simulcast online to thousands of churches.
Times Square Church General Overseer Carter Conlon will be the keynote speaker, delivering an important national and global message on the covenant.
Deuteronomy 1:8 says “See, I have set the land before you. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to them and to their offspring after them.”
Featured Speakers live or on video include: Rev. Kevin Jessip, Sidney Powell, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Pastor Kent Christmas, Bill Federer, Hon. Louie Gohmert, Pastor Paul Blair, Grant Berry, Hon. Michele Bachmann, David Barton, Maj. Gen. Bob Dees, and many others.
“God’s redemptive judgments are shaking and waking the Body of Christ with the lateness of the hour on the prophetic clock,” says Rev. Kevin Jessip, president of the Global Strategic Alliance, co-founder and president of The Return International, and a descendant of “Pilgrim Fathers” pastor John Robinson.
Jessip says the parallels between what’s happening today and the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt are startling, and are calling for a re-covenanting of our country with God.
To read more about THE RENEWAL, please check out the new “In The Press” page for all press release details.
Visit to get tickets and up-to-date event information!

More details will follow as January 8th, 2022 approaches
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
Regardless of who wins any election, in order to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
You may have heard that…
Dear Patriots,
Over the weekend, you may have heard little dribs and drabs of information on various topics. We want to give you more background.
You may have heard that …
1-Natural immunity is the best immunity against Covid-CCP. Another massive study proves this, again.
Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease From COVID-19: StudyQUOTE: People who recovered from COVID-19 are at little risk of contracting the disease again, according to a study published this week.
Researchers in Qatar examined a cohort of over 353,000 people using national databases that contain information about patients with polymerase-chain-reaction-confirmed infections.The studied population contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, between Feb. 28, 2020, and April 28, 2021.Reinfections were counted if a person tested positive at least 90 days after their first infection.
After excluding approximately 87,500 people with a vaccination record, researchers found those with immunity from having recovered from COVID-19 had little risk of reinfection and severe cases of the disease.
Just 1,304 reinfections were identified. That means 0.4 percent of people with natural immunity and without a vaccination record got COVID-19 a second time.The odds of severe disease were 0.1 percent that at primary infection, according to the study. Just four such cases were detected.
No cases of death were recorded among those who got infected a second time.
The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was funded by Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar, Qatar’s Ministry of Public Health, the Hamad Medical Corporation, and Sidra Medicine.
2- There is a new strain of Covid-CCP. Leaders worldwide have had hysterical reactions. Could they be over-reacting? Could they be using the suggestion of a variant as an excuse to take away freedoms? Again?
(Red State)
South African Medical Head Says You May Want to Slow-Roll the Panic Over New Omicron Variant
QUOTE: The Omicron variant was just discovered this week, but already you can hear the race to paint it in the worst light possible, suggesting that there was a lot to be concerned about because it was “heavily mutated,” that immunity and the vaccines might not protect against it. We saw the Dow take a huge plunge immediately after, likely in part because of thinking that this news could lead back to more government restrictions and problems.
The chairwoman of the South African Medical Association called imposing the travel restrictions on the country “hasty.”Dr Angelique Coetzee said it was too early to tell what impact the variant would have.
She told BBC News: “We think it is a premature decision that has been taken, I think it is a hasty decision.
“I would understand if it was two weeks later and we know much more about this viral infection that is going around, or this mutation, but for now, it is like a storm in a teacup. We have only become aware of this viral mutation, or the new strain we are seeing, last week.”
She added: “From us as medical practitioners, we picked up, last week, the different clinical pictures, we looked at the advisory committees and so far what we have seen is very mild cases. [I’m] not sure why we are all up in arms. We know there are a lot of mutations but no-one can tell us at this stage if it means something, or if it is just going to fade away. We just don’t know.”
3- Mr. Biden shut down travel from African nations. This is the same policy that he excoriated President Trump for implementing almost two years ago. He was against it before he was for it.
Joe Biden Slammed for Calling Trump’s Travel Restrictions Racist, Xenophobic, Then Enacting His Own
QUOTE: President Joe Biden on Friday was slammed for enacting travel restrictions on eight countries due to a fresh coronavirus variant after calling former President Trump’s coronavirus travel restrictions in 2020 racist and xenophobic.
Trump issued travel restrictions on countries around the globe after the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic landed in the United States in 2020. Biden was quick to label those protectionist measures racist and xenophobic, like this tweet from February 1, 2020, following a travel-ban announcement.
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) February 1, 2020
On Friday, the world was awakened to a rapidly spreading coronavirus variant originating from African nations.
Biden issued a travel ban on the African nations Friday, causing many individuals to note his hypocrisy.
4- Hospitals are closing all over America. That is true. However, as Salena Zito reports, one Ohio small town has reopened a hospital which has an amazing ripple effect for the community.
Something that never happens in America anymore is saving two Ohio counties in free fall
QUOTE: What happened in this Belmont County city never happens anymore in Appalachia. In fact, it rarely happens anywhere in America. Two years after the East Ohio Regional Hospital shut its doors after 114 years of serving the people of this region, the doors opened again this spring.
“Nobody opens hospitals anymore,” said Bernie Albertini, the administrator and chief operating officer at East Ohio.The astonishing development brought more than 500 jobs — 100 more than had worked in the hospital previously — as well as hope and life to a community that had feared the closing might be the final straw that could break the proverbial camel’s back.
Hospitals are economic drivers, he said: “It is not just the people who work here, it is all of the local businesses we do business with; we are a true job creator. We use United Dairy, which is across the street from the hospital, where we get all of our dairy products. We use Martins Ferry Hardware. We buy our office supplies from Borden Office Supply up in East Liverpool,” he said, reeling off a long list of local small businesses the hospital chooses to support over large, out-of-state suppliers.
“He said this was his experiment to prove that if you capitalize a small rural hospital and run it right, it can survive and thrive and actually stand up to — and compete with — the big hospitals of the world,” Mr. Albertini said.
It is an experiment that could possibly apply to the fortunes of small towns across America.
5- Covid-CCP cases are the lowest in Florida. Again. Maybe it is time that Congress calls for an investigation into why DeSantis policies continue to produce healthier results.
A side note: Tourism is now above pre-COVID levels in Florida while remaining way down in California. Not surprisingly, people prefer freedom to government ineptitude.
(Daily Mail Online)
Florida reports LOWEST new COVID-19 cases per capita
QUOTE: Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis may be vindicated for his refusal to impose pandemic lockdowns, as well as vaccine and mask mandates, after the Sunshine State posted the lowest number of new COVID-19 cases and deaths per capita in the nation.
On Friday, the Sunshine State reported 1,393 new cases of COVID-19, roughly six cases per every 100,000 residents. The state also reported just one death in the past week.
By contrast, Michigan leads the nation in daily cases per capita – with a 7-day rolling average of 560 per 100,000 residents – despite Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer imposing some of the harshest restrictions in the nation.
‘It just shows once again the success of Governor DeSantis’s science-based and data-based policies,’ DeSantis Press Secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News Digital. ‘He’s always made decisions based on the data and that continued even during the Delta surge this summer what he realized would help was not mask mandates in school or lockdowns but provide treatment that actually works.’
6- The Salvation Army has gone woke. We thought, at first, this must be a spoof. Unfortunately, it is true. Get ready to confess your perceived sins when you throw a dollar into a red kettle. Or not.
Salvation Army Demands White People Apologize For Being White
QUOTE: The Salvation Army, a Christian church with a charity which famously asks for money through red collection boxes around Christmas time, is now asking white people to do something more — to confess their racism. Please.In a guidebook titled “Let’s Talk About Racism,” the Salvation Army has called upon Christians to reflect on and rectify the contributions they have made to social inequalities and prejudicial systems that have harmed minorities.
Got that? The Salvation Army is proudly promoting anti-white racism and demanding white people atone for their ancestors. So a Christian organization believes we must fight racism with overt racism.
7-The unconstitutional vaccine mandates are seeing some major push back. Unions are stepping up and protecting their members, which is their ONLY purpose. (ZeroHedge)
Big Three US Automakers Agree To Not Mandate Vaccines For UAW Union Members
QUOTE:A big win for medical privacy and the principles of freedom. Ford, General Motors and Stellantis have agreed the United Auto Workers union members will not be forced to take the mandatory vaccine as a condition of employment.
Additionally, the vaccine status of the workers will remain private with a policy of private and voluntary disclosure.This helps swing the pendulum back toward the American worker.
8- News stories are implying that the supply chain issues are nobody’s fault. Polling shows that despite the Fake News, Americans KNOW who is to blame.
New Poll Shows A Majority of Voters Blame Biden and Congress for Supply Chain IssuesQUOTE: The majority of registered voters blame President Biden and Congress for the current global supply chain and shipping issues impacting the United States, a new poll shows.
The poll, which was released on Wednesday, was conducted by Morning Consult and Politico. It found that 62 percent of registered voters believe Biden bears some responsibility for the supply chain issues. Nearly as many registered voters, 61 percent, believe Congress also bears some responsibility.
9- This year was the 400th anniversary of Thanksgiving. 400 YEARS! It is probable that you did not know of that amazing fact.
In a continuing leftist effort to diminish our uniquely American holiday, it was barely mentioned. It is still wonderful that we gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing.
Why Did We Neglect the 400th Anniversary of Thanksgiving?
QUOTE: Americans like to observe milestones, so it is odd that the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving passed with so little notice.President Joe Biden barely mentioned the anniversary — four centuries! — in his proclamation of the holiday.
This year, Americans decided to ignore the lingering pandemic rules, with 79% spending the holiday with others, and 65% doing so without any mask or vaccine requirements.
Thanksgiving has always been quietly defiant, without being prideful. Perhaps, then, it is fitting that the 400th anniversary was a humble one.
We kept our focus where it belonged: not on numbers, but on God, and on gratitude, and on each other.
### We are grateful to all of our supporters and we hope you and your families are thriving and healthy. Please continue to: READ. KNOW. SHARE. PRAY.
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
Dear Patriots,
We hope you are still luxuriating in family, friends and food.
Here is some good news you may have missed.
1- The wonderful reporter and writer, Selena Zito, tells the story of how people are working to revive places that have lost population due to economic changes.
This is a trend that we hope is repeated and that grows more vibrant. Offering families a way to live in smaller cities is a key to rebuilding a successful society.
Cambria County fights population loss in little, big ways
QUOTE: JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — Reggie Canal began the process of moving from New York City to this Cambria County city this past July. The Queens native is a financial adviser who has spent much of his life working in the five boroughs as well as various places abroad.
He was lured here for a number of reasons, including quality of life, affordability and the ability to start his own business in the main business district of a city, without breaking the bank.
The kicker, though, was the remote worker incentive, a pilot program that offered a cash motivation — $2,500 to be exact — to attract people to move to the county and take up residence.
The brainchild of local civic and business leaders with a boost from the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, the program required applicants to agree to live here for a year.
“I have been to Taiwan, Hong Kong and France, and really none of them compares in terms of being a deeply connected community that is dedicated to making sure everyone is successful, not just the newcomers,” Mr. Canal said. “My friends ask me why I did it, then when they come visit, they get it.”
2- One would think our public health officials would want to learn from such experiences rather than doubling down on strategies that don’t seem to work well.
Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster”
QUOTE: …there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said.
Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.
Some researchers say the continent’s younger population — the average age is 20 versus about 43 in Western Europe — in addition to their lower rates of urbanization and tendency to spend time outdoors, may have spared it the more lethal effects of the virus so far. Several studies are probing whether there might be other explanations, including genetic reasons or past infection with parasitic diseases.
3- Sometimes Twitter can be fun especially when a hard core liberal gets her stupidity exposed.
Maria Shriver gets schooled by Ted Cruz for uninformed slant on Rittenhouse acquittal
QUOTE: Shriver — who was a Peabody and Emmy award-winning journalist for NBC News — wrote on Twitter, “I’m trying to take a beat to digest the Rittenhouse verdict. My son just asked me how it’s possible that he didn’t get charged for anything. How is that possible? I don’t have an answer for him.”
“The idea that someone could be out with a semi-automatic weapon, kill people, and walk is stunning,” said the NBC News “special anchor.” “I look forward to hearing from the jury. This is a moment for them to explain how they came to their decision.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas): “Pretty stunning that she’s an @nbc anchor. She ‘doesn’t have an answer.’ Try this:
(1) He WAS charged with six counts. That thing that just finished was his trial. … (2) A jury of his peers found him not guilty. … (3) Why? The defense argued he was engaged in self-defense. … (4) What facts support self defense? – the three people shot all chased him, assaulted him and/or tried to grab his gun – ALL THREE were convicted felons (one served 15 years for child molesting) – the defense argued Rittenhouse feared for his life … (5) You might personally disagree, but the jury heard evidence & presumably concluded he was acting to defend himself from what he reasonably perceived to be an imminent threat to his life. … (6) Also, ALL THREE of the people shot were White (contrary to false media reports). … (7) Generally ‘white supremacists’ don’t shoot White people. … (8) Numerous Dem politicians & corporate media outlets (including your employer and especially @msnbc) recklessly alleged he was a white supremacist. … (9) NO evidence was adduced at trial to support that claim. … (10) A whole bunch of those corrupt media outlets are now retaining defamation lawyers, because they’re ALL about to get sued—and the liability could well be massive. @mariashriver hope that helps!”
Author Tony Shaffer: “I’m trying to take a beat to comprehend how a full grown man could drive off a bridge, leave a woman not his wife in the car, tell no one and let her drown…how is that possible? Why don’t we have an answer?”
4- There are clips of protesting going on all over Europe against the mandates and shutdowns. The corporate/leftist media does not want you to know about this. Did you know that last Saturday there was a massive protest in NYCity against all things Covid?
Hundreds Of Thousands Rebel Against Coercion
The first clip begins with a montage of video from cities across Europe where thousands of protesters took to the streets to demand an end to vaccine mandates and lockdowns. That is followed by a live report by Ben Harnwell in Rome.
“Over continental Europe this weekend there have been hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the Covid measures taken by the respective governments… The common theme between each and every single one of these countries is we are seeing a rebellion against coercion. That’s the key point here. Don’t think for the folks who are listening at home in the States that this is all on the other side of the Atlantic, and it’s not going to happen here.
This is out of control here in Europe and it is definitely coming to America.”
5- It just would not be Good News Friday without an item about the great Governor of Florida!
Gov. DeSantis (R) is once again protecting and caring for the citizens of his state. This time by cutting energy taxes!
Florida Governor Pushes For $1 Billion Cut in State Gas and Fuel Taxes
QUOTE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Nov. 22 that he will ask state lawmakers to cut gas and fuel taxes by $1 billion in the upcoming January session of the legislature. DeSantis said that “nothing has pinched people more than these gas prices.” In addition to relief for Floridians via the tax cut, he called on fuel stations to reduce prices by 25 cents per gallon.
DeSantis said he is concerned that an increase in salaries and wages will not be enough to cover the rising costs of goods.
“Even if you start making more money, if the prices [for goods and fuel] are going up faster than your wages or salary, you’re actually losing money in this inflationary economy,” the governor said.
The governor added that he is pushing back on the Biden administration’s “inflationary pressures.”
6- Who knows what the future holds on suing the Left for lying about Rittenhouse. But, it is fun to read the list of options.
At the link is a list of 18 possible defamation cases!
Kyle Rittenhouse Can Sue Lots of People (and Media) for Defamation
QUOTE: Now acquitted of all charges, including several homicide charges, 18-year-old Rittenhouse has come to another crossroads: Will he spend more time in court to hold accountable the people and companies who defamed him?
If courts were to conclude that Rittenhouse is what is called a “limited public figure,” Rittenhouse will have to prove that these companies and individuals acted with “actual malice” — that is, with reckless disregard for the truth. For some false allegations, he would have to show how they damaged his reputation. But specific claims where he was wrongly accused of a felony — factual errors — would no doubt damage his reputation.
Since many high profile people voiced their thoughts before, during, and after the trial, it would be an extremely long article to list everyone who ever defamed Rittenhouse. That being said, here is a by no means exhaustive list of everyone he could sue for defamation.
7- We celebrate the Wall Street Journal refusing to fold to the leftist wokesters. They told them to go away and be quiet!
Wall Street Journal Won’t Cancel Thanksgiving Editorials
QUOTE: As we’ve explained throughout the fall, cancel culture is effective only when the target obeys. Cancel culture is a product of compliance, not power. Once a target says no, the progressives crumble and walk away in misery. The Wall Street Journal delivered the movement another blow this week.
Recently, some website called, which calls itself “the world’s platform for change,” published a petition that demands that the Journal stops posting its annual Thanksgiving editorials. The petition has gathered some 50,000 signatures.
Most outlets would have immediately obeyed Change’s demands, then issued an apology for their previous posts. However, the Wall Street Journal says it won’t comply.
“The editorials are popular with readers, who tell us they appreciate the sentiments about hardship and gratitude during what should be a unifying national holiday,” the Journal writes. “For decades we’ve run them with nary a discouraging word.”
The Journal says the two editorials recount the bravery and trials of the Pilgrims as they sought a better life in a new land.
So props to the Wall Street Journal for firing back, defending its editorials with reason, and not bowing to these unreasonable rodents.
The Wall Street Journal joins Netflix, Aaron Rodgers, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Dave Chappelle, and Dave Portnoy in the winnable fight against cancel culture. And each battle has further exposed the shallowness of the woke’s over-indexed influence.
8- In a very rare display of courage, the Women’s Tennis Association is standing up to China and demanding information on tennis star Peng Shuai who vanished after making public a sexual assault by a Communist Party big wig. Hold Fast!
WTA Boss Willing to Lose Huge Money In China Over Search For Missing Tennis Player
QUOTE: Unlike the NBA, which is unwilling to lose a dollar in China by speaking up about the treatment of Chinese citizens and residents, the Women’s Tennis Association says it’s fully prepared to lose a substantial chunk of money by pulling tennis out of China over the disappearance of Peng Shuai, who made sexual assault allegations against a top Communist Party official.
Steve Simon, the head of the WTA, has suggested that the organization is ready to give up funding it receives from the country to fund its WTA Finals and the WTA tournaments held in China throughout the season if Peng Shuai (ranked No. 192 in the world) isn’t accounted for. Such funding is estimated to be nearly $1.4 billion.
“We’re definitely willing to pull our business and deal with all the complications that come with it,” Simon said Thursday during an interview with CNN. “Because this is certainly, this is bigger than the business.” “Women need to be respected and not censored,” Simon added.
Peng, 35, has not been seen since early November when she accused Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, 75, of forcing her to have sex with him after a round of tennis three years ago.
9- It is a good thing that more and more Americans are seeing through the lying, fake news!
Only 36% Believe Kyle Rittenhouse Media Coverage Was Fair
QUOTE: The latest polling from Rasmussen shows that only 36 percent of respondents believe the media coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse was fair
When 1,000 likely voters were asked, “How fair was media coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?” only 14 percent said “very fair,” while only 22 percent said “somewhat fair.”
Meanwhile, a clear plurality of 47 percent said the coverage was “not very fair” (19 percent) and “not at all fair” (28 percent). Eighteen percent had no opinion, which aligns pretty closely with the 24 percent who said they didn’t follow the story closely.
Here’s an even more stunning number… Only 15 percent said the coverage was biased in favor of Rittenhouse, while 23 percent said it was neutral. But another clear plurality (47 percent) said it was biased against Rittenhouse.
10- We love the way college football has played out this season. It has been a blast watching thousands of people cheering, celebrating, and singing in stadiums all over America defying all the mandates and fear mongering.
America Loves College Football Because College Football Loves America
QUOTE: When college football came roaring back in September, sticking it to the Faucian fear porn that gathering with fellow fans in stadiums (or with anyone, anywhere) wasn’t “smart,” fans cheered the camaraderie of mass sports gatherings — as well as the lack of politicized messaging, in contrast to the wokeness of pro leagues like the NFL.
It’s no secret that America loves college football, loves its flyovers and cheers and opportunities to show patriotic pride, and doesn’t want all of this tainted by politics.
Instead of pushing politics, the college football world understands that Americans want football from their football — and maybe (definitely) tailgating, halftime shows, military flyovers, and their team’s favorite sacred traditions like “The Wave” or “Jump Around” or “Country Roads.” We want to revel in the team spirit that gives us something in common with perfect strangers, instead of looking at everything through the lens of divisive identity politics. We want the chance, not just to gather, but to experience camaraderie with strangers after a year and a half of being told to avoid each other.
11- The case is building on the unconstitutional mandates.
Judge Rules Local Missouri COVID-19 Orders Unconstitutional
QUOTE: A Missouri judge on Tuesday ruled that local COVID-19 orders violated the Missouri Constitution, ordering local health officials to rescind them.
Judge Daniel Green of Cole County wrote that the Department of Health and Senior Services unconstitutionally gave too much power to individual local health officials and directors. As a result, he ruled, those orders must be lifted, meaning that local health orders must be rescinded.
“This case is about whether Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services regulations can abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws, and whether it can authorize closure of a school or assembly based on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official. This court finds it cannot,” the judge wrote in his order.
12- PRAY!
Below is the writing of Benjamin Franklin, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 Reported by James Madison.
In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection. – Our prayers, Sir, were heard, & they were graciously answered.
All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor. To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity.
And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance?
I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that “except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better, than the Builders of Babel:
We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest. I therefore beg leave to move –
… that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that Service—
Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
THE RENEWAL: Restoring America’s Founding Covenant
Dear Patriots,
Living in the Light
Romans 13:11 – 13
11: To live like this is all the more urgent, for time is running out and you know it is a strategic hour in human history. It is time for us to wake up! For our full salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
12: Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon.
13: We must live honorably, surrounded by the light of this new day, not in the darkness of drunkenness and debauchery, not in promiscuity and sensuality, not being argumentative or jealous of others.
The time is now. Please join me and these extraordinary faith leaders in The Renewal on January 8 in Plant City, Florida for the historic re-dedication of the people of the United States to God and the principles of the Mayflower Compact on which this country was founded. Sidney
Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy – Jefferson Bethke
Dear Patriots,
This week we encourage you as individuals and as a nation to count our blessings. As a country, we find ourselves on a precarious path, and it is tempting to fall into despair and give up. However, God has blessed this country from its inception, and we are entrusted to be good stewards of it. We will not be silent in the face of injustice and evil.
Now, especially as we approach Thanksgiving, we encourage all to search their hearts, restore their souls, and work even harder to return God to his rightful place in our daily lives and in our country. It is imperative we protect our God-given rights.
This week we witnessed a display of the best system of laws and justice known to mankind. Nothing created by man is perfect, and our justice system is a continuous example. However, when laws are followed, when juries do their jobs without fear and truth comes to light, our system can render a just result.
We are thankful for the rule of law and for our Constitution. We will continue to work on all fronts—to protect our God-given and constitutional rights.
We stand for Truth, Righteousness and Justice. We ask you to join us and do the same. We are thankful for you.