EXCLUSIVE: Marc Morano Talks His New Book ‘Green Fraud: Why The Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think’


By Gabe Kaminsky

Today, Marc Morano’s book “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think” is out. Recently passed radio legend Rush Limbaugh said Morano is “single-handedly …the guy doing a better job ringing the bells alarming people of what’s going on here.”

Morano, the publisher of ClimateDepot.com and the author of the bestselling 2018 book “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” undertakes to debunk what he perceives as numerous frauds related to the Green New Deal. This includes the erroneous notion of a “consensus” on climate change; the lack of an actual effect by the Green New Deal on global emissions and failure to pass any cost-benefit analysis; and the problem with bureaucracy putting in place overbearing policies that harm free markets.

“This top-down, centralized plan, will stifle innovation, crush markets, and basically turn people into slaves of a bureaucracy where they would have very limited choices, and it would not allow innovation and creativity,” Morano told The Federalist.

Historical Basis

Morano traces modern environmental-alarmism — and arguable cultism — back to the 1960s. He mentioned Rachel Carson, the author of “Silent Spring,” in 1962, and Paul Ehrlich, who published “The Population Bomb” in 1968 on overpopulation, as pivotal figures in what would eventually result in what he defines as “The Green Raw Deal.” The 1970s Global Cooling Scare is also analyzed in the book, with climate researcher Stephen Schneider suggesting that injecting matter into the atmosphere would “be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

To Morano, these movements were a precursor to the overhaul of the American system that The Green New Deal is calling for.

“They were talking about geoengineering. They were also talking about going after market capitalism — free markets,” Morano said. “They were talking about restricting human endeavors, they were talking about central planning, and they were talking about sovereignty limiting international treaties. It is an amazing thing. Same thing with the overpopulation scare, it was all essentially, ‘We need mass collectivism, we need government in charge,’ the idea of free people, free association, and free movement is not compatible with a healthy planet or a healthy climate.”

The Green New Deal, given a face by freshman Democratic-socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, has roots in the sustainable development plan at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, according to Morano. The June conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil resulted in a program called “Agenda 21,” which the author says is a direct copy of the proposed AOC-sponsored resolution put forth in February 2019.

“The Green New Deal is the culmination of a half century of wish lists from the environmental left,” Morano writes in the book. “The alleged ‘climate emergency’ is merely a premise for achieving the political goals that the Left has sought for decades.”

The Green New Deal Push

Morano says there are two ways to view The Green New Deal: the specific 2019 proposal that touted an estimated $93 billion initial price tag, and then the Green New Deal movement that is amongst us. The $93 trillion manifesto calls to eliminate nuclear energy, eliminate 99 percent of cars, eliminate air travel, and ban affordable energy.

“There is going to be a formal Green New Deal resurrection, and I think they’re holding off to make sure Biden gets his footing and deals with COVID,” Morano said. “But the flip side of this is that Biden has announced, besides, all these executive orders, that every vacancy is now a climate agency. And what they’re going to be doing is making climate forefront efforts. The Defense Department is claiming climate change is going to cause more wars. You have NASA scientists from leading divisions basically saying that America’s white supremacy has caused climate change.”

“This has become the climate administration,” Morano added.

From canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline, to suspending gas and oil leasing on federal lands, to rejoining the economically damaging Paris climate accords, it is not hard to see why Morano maintains such a position.

COVID-Climate Connection

Morano views the left’s proposed Green New Deal as more of a push to obtain raw power, similar in scope to COVID-19 lockdown policies that have provided the opportunity to expand the size of the government in favor of speculative “science.” In fact, the book describes the extent to which climate-alarmists have side-stepped to favoring coronavirus restrictions, realizing that their desired ends can be achieved in any case.

The halting of airline travel, shuttering of restaurants and stores, oil demand decreases due to shutdowns, and even children not doing in-person learning, are all viewed by Morano as means to ends that Green New Deal leftists have frantically favored for years. COVID-19 is a snapshot of the destruction that would come from an entirely centralized economy, he notes.

“The left is using COVID lockdowns to cripple small businesses and empower the progressive woke-left that controls corporate America. Essentially, they’re talking about how we’re going to go from the COVID lockdowns to the climate lockdowns,” Morano said. “I use their own quotes. I have everyone from John Kerry, to the World Economic Forum, to Prince Charles, to Joe Biden explaining how they want to essentially demolish the current structures and build them back in a climate and ‘energy friendly’ way.”

“Jane Fonda says that COVID is God’s gift to the left,” Morano continued. “And that’s all you need to know.”

Environmental Capitalism

Morano does not buy into the notion that capitalism is incompatible with environmentalism. The left may virtue-signal otherwise, claiming the private sphere only wreaks havoc on the climate, but his vision of prosperity is different.

“Capitalism and a healthy climate environment can live very well together,” he said. “Ultimately, a healthier environment is going to be because of prosperity and growth, not because of top-down centrally planned government oppression and control of every aspect of your life — which is what the UN and the Green New Deal seek.”

“Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think” can be purchased at major retailers starting today.

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