The Congressman yells, “Who cares what they need?”
While journalists salivate over echoes that bleed
Backed by college diplomats who cant even read
Inching up the mountain of corporate greed.

And partisan princes appoint themselves worthy
Their elections were rigged, it’s all been so dirty
Shiny, slimy senators deny allegations flirty
Feign your forgiving, grinning holier than thee.

Will we all make it to twenty twenty-five?
Can we repair what is wrong to survive?
The poison, the lies, the conspirator’s hive
All plan to destroy you, not keep you alive.

Arabs rage on it isn’t oil profits that serve us
Yet mullahs breed oil into blood lust that slays thus
And drug lords dismember all whom they don’t trust
Watch as banana despots’ souls are ground into dust.

And greed gains ground increasing power laid bare
Freedom’s just a myth, yell it loudly if you dare
You’re force fed an illusion of leaders who care
For colors do not matter, it’s division’s despair.

So can we all make it to twenty twenty-five?
You might have the wisdom but have you the drive?
The myths and the legends your cultures’ contrive
Are there to distract your ability to survive.

And behind locked doors the superheroes contract
To trade us like pawns, tis a death spiral pact
Old money, old power has the best of us tracked
A noose they’ll be tightening, your future’s intact.

The temporal kings who’ve usurped the world’s treasure
Twist us to their will, and laugh at its measure.
Hollow headed media mimic the oligarch’s pleasure
As numbskulls watch football and complain about weather.

I don’t think we’ll make it to twenty twenty-five
The automatons that do will be barely alive
Their weapons are diseases and Death’s sweeping scythe
This beautiful planet wasted lest the Lord will arrive.

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